… .. BACK TO GOOD PATH: May 2020

Saturday, May 23, 2020


The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother.


Why did Muhammad call the woman lucky?

Lucky is the women,whose first child is a daughter.

                 Prophet muhammad S.w.T  
                   Al-kafi . Vol 2 . Pg no. 6


Friday, May 22, 2020

It seems that the media of India has fallen behind the Muslims like a hyena.

Journalism is at risk today, and what is happening in its name is a pure experiment that involves an open exhibition of hate against bigotry, muslims and other minorities. It is not only a hands-on thing to secure the viewership to earn more than an advertisement, but it is also playing the role of a 'pr - LRB - propaganda - RRB - firm to project the BJP as the lifeline of the country. And what is the favorite pastime of the Indian media these days for the BJP's glorian A widespread spread of hatred against Islam in which stories of alleged stalls (spitting, defecation, etc.) of the congregation are recited; Bother about being seditious to muslims and calling them Pakistani and the isi as a puppet (especially in Malawi); In addition to continually defaming muslims on jihad, halalah, three divorces, beef eating, etc., the nature of the khurafi-like allegations that "the muslims of India intentionally are spreading the corono virus" include:

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Do you know where Muslims like to go more?

A place where all muslims are happy to go, is the beautiful place of a world, where they arrive in the heart, heart wakes up, the best place of a lovely Muslim, whose name is masjid e haram, people go by hajj.Inshallah,Allah wants us to perform Hajj.
Say ameen.

Like India, Sri Lanka is also blaming Muslims for the Corona virus.

The world is suffering from dangerous diseases like coronavirus, but some of the mistakes are being discredited by the media, causing stigma on the muslims, people are not buying vegetables from them.But today we seen in Sri Lanka they stigmase Muslims and blame them.Stigma is imposed on Muslims that this disease was caused due to Muslims

दुनिया अभूतपूर्व अस्थिरता, संकट और अनिश्चितता के दौर से गुजर रही है।उपन्यास कोरोना वायरस महामारी, और इसके द्वारा उत्पन्न खतरे ने राष्ट्रों के सामाजिक आर्थिक ढांचे को, दुनिया भर की कई सरकारों को अस्तित्व संकट में डाल दिया और उन्हें उत्तरजीविता की विधा पर ले जाने के लिए मजबूर किया।इन देशों में लकप्रिय राजनीतिज्ञों ने, जो इस जन-स्वास्थ्य संकट का तेजी से और कुशलता से जवाब देने में असफल रहे, अपनी कमियों को सही ठहराने के लिए अल्पसंख्यक समुदायों, विशेषकर मुसलमानों को तबाह करने का सहारा लिया.

Turkish Drama 'Resurrection':Dirillis ertugrul gazi the world most viewing webseries.

History(itihas) return itself.
The power of media can easily bring our past back to the present and influence the future, which has recently been proven by the Turkish drama serial, "Diriliş: Ertuğrul" (Resurrection: Ertuğrul). The magnitude of this drama series is such that it transcends not just the historical period from 1200-1300 to 2020, but it can climb the borders of its home country, only to become a world favorite webseries, achieving worldwide fame and repute like none other. A lot has been said in praise of this series' successful attempt at engaging the attention of a wide range of viewership. This article also aims at highlighting some very noteworthy attributes of the series, which happen to be its greatest strengths.(Medyanın gücü geçmişimizi bugüne kolayca geri getirebilir ve yakın zamanda Türk dizisi "Diriliş: Ertuğrul" tarafından kanıtlanmış olan geleceği etkileyebilir (Diriliş: Ertuğrul). Bu dizi dizisinin büyüklüğü öyle ki, sadece 1200-1300'den 2020'ye kadar olan tarihi dönemi aşmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda kendi ülkesinin sınırlarına tırmanabilir, sadece küresel bir favori haline gelebilir, dünya çapında şöhret kazanır ve başka hiçbir şeye benzemez. Bu dizinin geniş bir yelpazedeki izleyicilerin dikkatini çekmeye yönelik başarılı girişimlerinin övgülerinde çok şey söylendi. Bu makale aynı zamanda serinin en güçlü yanları olan bazı dikkat çekici özelliklerini vurgulamayı amaçlamaktadır).

Pakistan broadcasting and dubbed it in Urdu and gain more subscriber in YouTube channel"Try ertugrul by PTV".
This webseries make a world record in YouTube history.