… .. BACK TO GOOD PATH: It seems that the media of India has fallen behind the Muslims like a hyena.

Friday, May 22, 2020

It seems that the media of India has fallen behind the Muslims like a hyena.

Journalism is at risk today, and what is happening in its name is a pure experiment that involves an open exhibition of hate against bigotry, muslims and other minorities. It is not only a hands-on thing to secure the viewership to earn more than an advertisement, but it is also playing the role of a 'pr - LRB - propaganda - RRB - firm to project the BJP as the lifeline of the country. And what is the favorite pastime of the Indian media these days for the BJP's glorian A widespread spread of hatred against Islam in which stories of alleged stalls (spitting, defecation, etc.) of the congregation are recited; Bother about being seditious to muslims and calling them Pakistani and the isi as a puppet (especially in Malawi); In addition to continually defaming muslims on jihad, halalah, three divorces, beef eating, etc., the nature of the khurafi-like allegations that "the muslims of India intentionally are spreading the corono virus" include:


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