… .. BACK TO GOOD PATH: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on July 4-5 2020-Blood Moon-Moon Eclipse.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on July 4-5 2020-Blood Moon-Moon Eclipse.

You know what happened in 2020 first corona virus,after that the locusts attack,and Earthquakes,crashing of plane and there may be something further.

For the first time in my life, I saw solar eclipse and lunar eclipse in the same month.
Today we hear that Blood moon is going to happen on 4-5th of july 2020.
The first blood moon was occur 5-10 june 1967 for 6 days in this six days the war the israel occupies gaza strip and sinai peninsula from Egypt,the west bank from Jordan and golan heights from Syria.
The Six-Day War was a war that started on 5 June 1967 and ended 10 June 1967. The fight was between Israel and Egypt,jordan, and Syria, but many other countries helped out the different sides.

The second blood moon of 2018 will occur on July 27. Before and after the moon is obscured completely for an hour and 43 minutes.At this time, America had declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

May allah help us and protect us from satan,say amen!



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