Tuesday, September 1, 2020

How to perform Wudhu(ablution),Nullifies and steps to perform wudhu?

 Wudu,or ablution,is both a traditional rite and a practical means by which muslims seeks to maintain good physical and spiritual hygiene.

Traditionally wudhu refers to mental preparation and cleanliness,it follow the process to wash hands, nostrils,mouth,arms,face,ears,feet,and hair.

It is one of the important part of the purity and cleanliness in Islam.

Before salat(prayer or namaz) we will do wudhu,one of the five pillars of the Islam.

What do you say when wudhu?

Make niyat(Intention)and say "bismillahirrahmanirraheem"(In the name of Allah)

What Nullifies wudhu?

1.Natural discharges,urine,gas,stool etc.

2.Falling Asleep.

3.Uncounscious of any kind.


Some Steps For Doing Wudhu.

1.Make a niyyah(Intentions)before starting wudhu.

2.Wash your hands properly,use your left hand for wash right hands do atleast 3 times.Make sure to wash properly in between the fingers.

3.Take water into your mouth by right hand to cup water into your mouth.

4.Inhale water into your nose,use your left hand to cup water into your nostrils for clean properly three times.Using fresh and make sure the water is pure and safe because dirty water may cause illness,infection and many other diseases etc.

5.Wash your face with both hands by spreading three times properly from your right ear to left ear,from hairline to chin.

6.Wash your lower arms from wrist to elbow,wash your right arm from left arm,and then left arm from right hand three times leaving no part dirty.

7.Clean your head properly by using your wet hands,gently undraw the all head once,from forehead to the back of the head,and then wipe it again from back of the head to forehead,

after at all wipe your eat inside at out by use thumb to clean behind your ears from the bottom upward.

8.Then wash your both feet,first right feet by left arm and then left feet by left arm after at all use your pinky finger for rub between the leg finger to clean the dirt,wipe the feet properly.

9.Remember the order and perform the wudhu carefully and properly,because its make our faces clean and have noor on your faces,who perform the wudhu atleast 5 times before the Namaz(prayer).

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