After all, America said that Islam is the best superpower religion.
The UK government has recently decided that the khutba and azaan of Jummah will be monitored on radio every day.
This is the first such case in britain,On the other hand, it has been decided to give Azaan loudspeaker in Germany.
Islam💓is spreading rapidly in Europe,there has been a rapid increase in the adoption of Islam in America,Recently, a church in the US was offered Azaan.America suppressed Islam so much that Islam could not grow further, but Islam began to grow faster in America.
Islam was maligned on him, but people started reading Islam, and Islam grew rapidly.As people read Islam, and Islam grew rapidly.
Everybody came to know today that Islam gives the feast of rights,Islam in Europe is growing faster than all.
Superpower countries like America have started feeling that there is no superpower like Islam anymore.
Quran is now being played in the assemblies of London, America and New Zealand.
Wherever Azan was banned, the process of offering azaan has been released.Even many scientists have proved Islam to be true.
Islam💓is such a plant, the more you cut it, the faster it will grow:Afroz shaykh
Labels: Facts, Islam is superpower