Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The unheard truth of Islam.

 Assalamualacum Friends, Friends Islam is a religion that tells how a person should live in the world,it tells how should one spend their life and worship Allah.

The meaning of Islam is "peace".That is why the religion of Islam is called the religion of peace,People do not say, but Islam gives peace.

This bloodless media and the world has brought Islam into disrepute.

Muslim means to surrender his desires to Allah.

There are 6 conditions for becoming a Muslim:Shahih muslim

1.You accept that no one is worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad S.w.t is the last Messenger of Allah.

Islam is a religion that insists on worshiping one God i.e. Allah.

2.Believe in the angels of allah.

Allah has created the angels from Nur, and only and only for the worship of Allah.

3.To trust all prophets.

Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam has told that Allah has sent about one lakh tewnty four thousands prophets in the world, so that he can spread the message of one God i.e. Allah.

The names of tewnty five or tewnty six prophets come in the Quran.

4.The fourth condition is to believe in the sky books.

Before the Quran, three more sky books came which were launched on the prophets coming before Muhammad sallallahu ali wassallam.

The names of those three books are Torah, Zaboor, and Gospel(Inzil).

Torah on Musa Alai Salaam, and Zabur on Davood Alai Salaam, and the Bible on Isha Alai Salaam,And the Quran was launched on Muhammad sallallhu alai wassallam.

5.The fifth condition is that you accept this thing,there will come a day that our good and bad deeds will be accounted for.

6.Believe in the left destiny of Allah.

Allah has already decided everyone's fate, such as where a human will be born, when he will be born, and less will die.

Not only this, but to become a Muslim,

You keep doing these five things which are called 5 pillars of Islam.

1.The first pillar of Islam is"No one is worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad sallallhu alai wasallam is the Messenger of Allah".

2.The second pillar of Islam is "Namaz"(Prayer of muslim),Read namaz daily 5 times in a Day.Prayer is mandatory for all.

It has been written in the Quran and Hadith that a person who does not offer Namaz(prayers) for 5 times is not a confirmed Muslim.

3.The third pillar of Islam is"Fasting in the month of Ramadan".

Ramdan is 9 months according to the Muslim calendar, in which people fast for 1 month.

4.Give charity(Zakaat dena),To give any Muslim who has 7.5 tola gold or 52.5 tola silver, or more wealth,It is mandatory to give 2.5% of its share to the poor.

Muslim says that he is not a true Muslim who sleeps full and whose neighbor sleeps hungry.

5.HAJJ(Going to mecca-medinah)

After becoming a Muslim, it is mandatory that he perform Haj once in his life.

Those who cannot perform Haj, those who lack wealth, Haj is not mandatory for them.

In today's date,Islam is the best and superpower religion and the fastest growing religion in all over the World.

                                                      AUTHOR:AFROZ SHAYKH

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Sunday, September 6, 2020

After all, America said that Islam is the best superpower religion.

 The UK government has recently decided that the khutba and azaan of Jummah will be monitored on radio every day.

This is the first such case in britain,On the other hand, it has been decided to give Azaan loudspeaker in Germany.

Islam💓is spreading rapidly in Europe,there has been a rapid increase in the adoption of Islam in America,Recently, a church in the US was offered Azaan.America suppressed Islam so much that Islam could not grow further, but Islam began to grow faster in America.

Islam was maligned on him, but people started reading Islam, and Islam grew rapidly.As people read Islam, and Islam grew rapidly.

Everybody came to know today that Islam gives the feast of rights,Islam in Europe is growing faster than all.

Superpower countries like America have started feeling that there is no superpower like Islam anymore.

Quran is now being played in the assemblies of London, America and New Zealand.

Wherever Azan was banned, the process of offering azaan has been released.Even many scientists have proved Islam to be true.



              Islam💓is such a plant, the more you cut it, the faster it will grow:Afroz shaykh

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Saturday, September 5, 2020


 1.Asaduddin Owaisi:

He is now the MP of Hyderabad.I have not seen such a person till date.

He is one of the powerful muslim leader.When the triple talaq was raised, he left his daughter's marriage and came.All muslims like them.He is born on 13 may 1969,he is the president of All-India-Majlis-e-ittehadul-muslimeen.He is a four time member of parliament.

They always raise their voice when something is wrong with Muslims and Dalits.Walk alone even after the tremors, not afraid of anyone.He raised the issue of moblynching to Kashmir.A few days ago Owaisi ji tore the Citizen Bill, that too in Parliament.Many people have their prayers.

2.Akbaruddin Owaisi:

He is younger brother of Asaduddin owaisi.He is also an Indian Politician and leader of AIMIM legislative and MLA of the Telangana Legislative Assembly.He also raised his voice like Akbaruddin Owaisi.He has also been previously attacked by 15 goons with guns,sword while rallying in 2011.He was shot on his abdomen and faces and bullet still stay in the kidney of Akbaruddin owasi.Due to the blessings of many people, today he is in front of us.He studies about twelve thousands children in his school for free every year.

3.Mukhtar Ansari:

Mukhtar Ansari is a powerful politician from Uttar Pradesh.He has been elected as a MLA from the Mau.He is messiah of the all poor people,All the poor people who come to the Mau,they definitely help them.

He spent 13 years in Jail.Mukhtar ansari is a DON and politician from Indian,he is the leader of Bahujan Samaj Party(BSP).Today he suffers from heart attack in Jail.The people of Mau worship them.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

NEWS:Elon Musk Unveils pig with chip in its brain

 So friends a few days ago Elon Musk put neuralink chip in the mind of a pig named gertrude.After applying the Neuralink chip, he explained how it works.Tesla company owner Elon Musk had earlier created a technology called UTAH ARRAY.

Which is in the minds of many people who have completely failed.

Elon Musk implanted a small neuralink chip into the human brain,After applying it, humans can run cell phones and computers with their brains.

Elon Musk designed this technology only for those who are paralysis, or who broke their spinal cord in an accident.You will become like Professor X(IN A MOVIE), who used to sit on a wheel chair and control everything with his mind.

Elon Musk has told in many of his interviews that the goal of making this chip is that,If artificial intelligence rules us, then humans will become more super intelligent,or superpower at that time(Called human cognition).On that day, we can face artificial intelligence.

America has to become superpower to its Soldiers, which they call half human and half computer,Elon Musk Won't Tell This.

UTAH ARRAY,which is a technology,Which was funded by DARPA.(US Defense Agency).

This technology is made by Elon Musk only for him mean "DARPA".

This technology will not be given to any common person because Poor man can't get it.The biggest purpose of these is, they become superpowers on humans and control them.

Like they believe humans were the first monkey.Those who did not develop remained monkeys, what happened today became homo sapiens(Humans).

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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Facts:The World Most Expensive Country.

 You need a lot of income to live in those places which are expensive. There are many countries in the world where one day costs are in millions.

There is such a beautiful country where people go for a tourism and travel.

So let me tell you about the country whose name is "Switzerland".

Switzerland is one of the most expensive country in the world.

Switzerland is one of the expensive country by their valuable products,such as beautiful diamonds,valuable bracelets,luxury chocolates etc.

According to a magazine the switzerland is one of the planet having 122.4 cost of living index.

Why Switzerland is more rich?

In switzerland the swiss adult worth more than $100,000,11% of swiss residents are millonaire. 

Poverty in Switzerland.

In 2018 9.8% of people means 660,000 are infected by income poverty.

Is There Crime In Switzerland

Switzerland have reasonably low rate of crime,such as theft.

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Monday, August 10, 2020

How Muhammad(S.A.W)treated non-muslims after the Battle of Badr?

A Sahih hadith of Sahih al-Bukhari:
               The beloved of Allah(S.w.T) addressed non-muslims,after the battle of Badr. Our beloved muhammad(S.W.T).He was addressed dead people.

The beloved of Allah muhammad sallallahu tala alaihi wasallam(PBUH) is addressing who?

Dead people!After the battle of Badr.Rasoolullah salallahi wasallam said 
Sayyiduna Umar R.A was present there .......

This is hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.....As I said......

Is it possible to communicate with those who have passed away?We will prove that it is possible.We will prove that dead people can hear us.

Sayyiduna Umar e farooq R.A made it easy for us.He clarified the issue more.Sayyiduna Umar R.A said "Yaa Rasoolullah(S.W.T),you are addressing dead bodies,you are addressing dead peoples who have no ruh in them.

He asked Rasoolullah(The beloved of ALLAH muhammad)
"You are talking to people who have passed away?"And they were kuffar,they were non-muslims.

Rasoolullah(S.A.W) said:

Sahih al-bukhari! The beloved of Allah said 

"By that Lord in whose hand is the life of muhammad.....
By Allah,O Umar,they can hear me more than you."

Those dead people can hear Rasoolullah(S.A.W)

This is in sahih al-bukhari....

What is death?

The seperation of the ruh from the body.The ruh doesn't die.The ruh leaves the body,but the ruh in a cage in this body.

When the Ruh is restricted in the body.The sight and the vision of the Ruh is limited.But when the ruh leaves the body its vision increases.
The hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.......

The beloved of Allah(S.A.W.) said "when a person in his graves he looks up...."

What happens "A door from paradise opens."His sight increases to such an extent that he can see through the seven heavens and he can see paradise and he can see hell.When the Ruh leaves the body the sight increases,the ability of hearing increases.This is why Rasoolullah(S.A.W.) has taught us from the adab of going to the graveyard.When you go to the graveyard.

What do you say?

"Assalamualaikum ya ahlal kubur".

You address dead people and they give you a response.If the non-muslims can hear us then why can't khwaja-e-khawajgan hear us?

Why can't Ghous-e-Azaam hear us?

Then what happens?We seek help from them.How do we seek help from them?

We ask them to pray for us.We ask them to do dua for us.And they do duaa for us.
We don't believe they are independent in helping us.

We believe they depend upon Allah in order for them to help us..

 BATTLE OF BADR IS MENTION IN THESE SURAH                                                    
 Surah 3:Al-Imran
Surah 8:Al-Anfal
Surah 22:Hajj

                                                                Written by:Afroz shaykh
                                                                Speaker:Pir Saaqib Iqbal

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Monday, July 20, 2020

Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada fought against apartheid.#Nelsonmandelladay

Today is Nelson Mandela International Day, today is the birth of Nelson Mandela. People are celebrating Nelson Mandela's Yaume-e-Baanish with great pomp, but in the midst of all this we are missing a name from the Indians, and that name is Ahmed Muhammad Kathrada!
Ahmed Muhammad Kathrada, born on 21 August 1929, was a companion of Nelson Mandela, the great hero of the fight against apartheid. He was of Indian origin, whose ancestors had gone to Africa from Surat Gujarat. His elders had helped Mahatma Gandhi form the Natal Indian Congress. And with the help of the same organization, Gandhi agitated in Africa.

Here one thing is worth mentioning is that Ahmed Muhammad Kathrada had spent nearly ten years more than 26 years in prison in Nelson's fight against apartheid. But it is said with great regret that Ahmad Muhammad Kathrada, the hero of the fight against apartheid, was not remembered by any leading Indian newspaper on 28 March 2017. Even if it is not Urdu's newspaper!


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