Assalamualacum Friends, Friends Islam is a religion that tells how a person should live in the world,it tells how should one spend their life and worship Allah.
The meaning of Islam is "peace".That is why the religion of Islam is called the religion of peace,People do not say, but Islam gives peace.
This bloodless media and the world has brought Islam into disrepute.
Muslim means to surrender his desires to Allah.
There are 6 conditions for becoming a Muslim:Shahih muslim
1.You accept that no one is worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad S.w.t is the last Messenger of Allah.
Islam is a religion that insists on worshiping one God i.e. Allah.
2.Believe in the angels of allah.
Allah has created the angels from Nur, and only and only for the worship of Allah.
3.To trust all prophets.
Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam has told that Allah has sent about one lakh tewnty four thousands prophets in the world, so that he can spread the message of one God i.e. Allah.
The names of tewnty five or tewnty six prophets come in the Quran.
4.The fourth condition is to believe in the sky books.
Before the Quran, three more sky books came which were launched on the prophets coming before Muhammad sallallahu ali wassallam.
The names of those three books are Torah, Zaboor, and Gospel(Inzil).
Torah on Musa Alai Salaam, and Zabur on Davood Alai Salaam, and the Bible on Isha Alai Salaam,And the Quran was launched on Muhammad sallallhu alai wassallam.
5.The fifth condition is that you accept this thing,there will come a day that our good and bad deeds will be accounted for.
6.Believe in the left destiny of Allah.
Allah has already decided everyone's fate, such as where a human will be born, when he will be born, and less will die.
Not only this, but to become a Muslim,
You keep doing these five things which are called 5 pillars of Islam.
1.The first pillar of Islam is"No one is worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad sallallhu alai wasallam is the Messenger of Allah".
2.The second pillar of Islam is "Namaz"(Prayer of muslim),Read namaz daily 5 times in a Day.Prayer is mandatory for all.
It has been written in the Quran and Hadith that a person who does not offer Namaz(prayers) for 5 times is not a confirmed Muslim.
3.The third pillar of Islam is"Fasting in the month of Ramadan".
Ramdan is 9 months according to the Muslim calendar, in which people fast for 1 month.
4.Give charity(Zakaat dena),To give any Muslim who has 7.5 tola gold or 52.5 tola silver, or more wealth,It is mandatory to give 2.5% of its share to the poor.
Muslim says that he is not a true Muslim who sleeps full and whose neighbor sleeps hungry.
5.HAJJ(Going to mecca-medinah)
After becoming a Muslim, it is mandatory that he perform Haj once in his life.
Those who cannot perform Haj, those who lack wealth, Haj is not mandatory for them.
In today's date,Islam is the best and superpower religion and the fastest growing religion in all over the World.
Labels: Facts, ISLAM, MUSLIM