Monday, August 10, 2020

How Muhammad(S.A.W)treated non-muslims after the Battle of Badr?

A Sahih hadith of Sahih al-Bukhari:
               The beloved of Allah(S.w.T) addressed non-muslims,after the battle of Badr. Our beloved muhammad(S.W.T).He was addressed dead people.

The beloved of Allah muhammad sallallahu tala alaihi wasallam(PBUH) is addressing who?

Dead people!After the battle of Badr.Rasoolullah salallahi wasallam said 
Sayyiduna Umar R.A was present there .......

This is hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.....As I said......

Is it possible to communicate with those who have passed away?We will prove that it is possible.We will prove that dead people can hear us.

Sayyiduna Umar e farooq R.A made it easy for us.He clarified the issue more.Sayyiduna Umar R.A said "Yaa Rasoolullah(S.W.T),you are addressing dead bodies,you are addressing dead peoples who have no ruh in them.

He asked Rasoolullah(The beloved of ALLAH muhammad)
"You are talking to people who have passed away?"And they were kuffar,they were non-muslims.

Rasoolullah(S.A.W) said:

Sahih al-bukhari! The beloved of Allah said 

"By that Lord in whose hand is the life of muhammad.....
By Allah,O Umar,they can hear me more than you."

Those dead people can hear Rasoolullah(S.A.W)

This is in sahih al-bukhari....

What is death?

The seperation of the ruh from the body.The ruh doesn't die.The ruh leaves the body,but the ruh in a cage in this body.

When the Ruh is restricted in the body.The sight and the vision of the Ruh is limited.But when the ruh leaves the body its vision increases.
The hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.......

The beloved of Allah(S.A.W.) said "when a person in his graves he looks up...."

What happens "A door from paradise opens."His sight increases to such an extent that he can see through the seven heavens and he can see paradise and he can see hell.When the Ruh leaves the body the sight increases,the ability of hearing increases.This is why Rasoolullah(S.A.W.) has taught us from the adab of going to the graveyard.When you go to the graveyard.

What do you say?

"Assalamualaikum ya ahlal kubur".

You address dead people and they give you a response.If the non-muslims can hear us then why can't khwaja-e-khawajgan hear us?

Why can't Ghous-e-Azaam hear us?

Then what happens?We seek help from them.How do we seek help from them?

We ask them to pray for us.We ask them to do dua for us.And they do duaa for us.
We don't believe they are independent in helping us.

We believe they depend upon Allah in order for them to help us..

 BATTLE OF BADR IS MENTION IN THESE SURAH                                                    
 Surah 3:Al-Imran
Surah 8:Al-Anfal
Surah 22:Hajj

                                                                Written by:Afroz shaykh
                                                                Speaker:Pir Saaqib Iqbal

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Friday, July 17, 2020

How EID-UL-ADHA(Bakr Eid)is celebrated?

The Mausam is called the sacrifice of the animal on the day of the inconsolable, the Qurbani is the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihissalam, which is also kept in this Ummah, published in the Qur'an that, Read Namaz for your Lord(ALLAH) and offer the sacrifice.
              Para 30, Surah Kausar, Aayat 2

Let's mention an issue first and then make a further statement, just as some people use social media to spread ilme din, some people try to trick and confuse people by spreading the gimmick and sending message full of panic, As there is a message coming in tomorrow that do not call it Bakr Eid but rather say Eidul Azha, then it is good to say Eidul Azha but it is nothing but Jihal to say Eidul Azha, Bakr means cow and this name.In the Qur'an, a whole Surah is present in the name of Surah Bakr, so those people who are doing message to say Bakr Eid na, they should change the name of this Surah to keep something good according to their own, well Saying 'Bakr Eid' is proved by our slavery as Faqihe Millat Mufti Jalal Uddin Ahmed Amjadi Alaihirrahma has given Bakr Eid Tasnif in many places in Anwarul Hadith, now let's take some hadith pak about it.

* Huzoor Sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wasallam (Pbuh)states that in the Qurbani's days, Allah is no more loving than a sacrifice, and the blood of the animal is sacrificed before it falls on the ground, and the udhiyah gets 1 kind for every hair of the animal. 

               Abu Dawood, Book 2, Safah 264 *

So Sahib Nisab, if he does not offer the sacrifice of 5000 rupees and will also pay 1, 1 crore rupees, then it will still be a strict crime, so be sacrificed only if it is not used enough to buy a goat, then you can take part in the big animal, and on which the sacrifice is reasonable It means that there is no money, but there is no money in it, that is, gold is the owner of silver, then in such a case, you will have to sacrifice by selling something or taking loan.

* Huzoor Sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wasallam(Prophet muhammad) asks that those who do not offer sacrifices in spite of their continued presence do not come close to our Idgah.

           Abu Dawood, Book 2, Safah 263 * 

_Those who do not offer the udhiyah despite having the power of the udhiyah, they are not even allowed to come to Idgah, who are not allowed to offer sacrifice, do not get themselves arrested in such a way, if the Sahib is good, then surely you must offer the sacrifice. *

* Nabi Karim Sallallahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wasallam offered the sacrifice of 2 rams who were Khasi *

                  Ibne Maja, Hadith 3122 *

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What Abdullah (Umar) addressing the people on Friday?

Abdullah (b. ‘Umar) reported from his father that while he was addressing the people on Friday (sermon), a person, one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), entered (the mosque). Umar said to him loudly: What is this hour (for attending the prayer)? He said: I was busy today and I did not return to my house when I heard the call (to Friday prayer), and I did no more but performed ablution only. Upon this Umar said: just ablution ! You know that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanded (us) to take a bath (on Friday)
       Sahih Muslim Book 04, Hadith 1836.

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Monday, March 23, 2020


That we know that in previous topic the Muhammad S.A.W was the prophet and the founder of Islam.In this topic we know about our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W .

:-Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhl Wa Sallam) said in hadith:

"Religion is very easy and whoever tip himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists,but try to be near to completeness and receive the good tidings that you will rewarded :,and gain strength by greet in the mornings ,the nights

