Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The unheard truth of Islam.

 Assalamualacum Friends, Friends Islam is a religion that tells how a person should live in the world,it tells how should one spend their life and worship Allah.

The meaning of Islam is "peace".That is why the religion of Islam is called the religion of peace,People do not say, but Islam gives peace.

This bloodless media and the world has brought Islam into disrepute.

Muslim means to surrender his desires to Allah.

There are 6 conditions for becoming a Muslim:Shahih muslim

1.You accept that no one is worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad S.w.t is the last Messenger of Allah.

Islam is a religion that insists on worshiping one God i.e. Allah.

2.Believe in the angels of allah.

Allah has created the angels from Nur, and only and only for the worship of Allah.

3.To trust all prophets.

Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam has told that Allah has sent about one lakh tewnty four thousands prophets in the world, so that he can spread the message of one God i.e. Allah.

The names of tewnty five or tewnty six prophets come in the Quran.

4.The fourth condition is to believe in the sky books.

Before the Quran, three more sky books came which were launched on the prophets coming before Muhammad sallallahu ali wassallam.

The names of those three books are Torah, Zaboor, and Gospel(Inzil).

Torah on Musa Alai Salaam, and Zabur on Davood Alai Salaam, and the Bible on Isha Alai Salaam,And the Quran was launched on Muhammad sallallhu alai wassallam.

5.The fifth condition is that you accept this thing,there will come a day that our good and bad deeds will be accounted for.

6.Believe in the left destiny of Allah.

Allah has already decided everyone's fate, such as where a human will be born, when he will be born, and less will die.

Not only this, but to become a Muslim,

You keep doing these five things which are called 5 pillars of Islam.

1.The first pillar of Islam is"No one is worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad sallallhu alai wasallam is the Messenger of Allah".

2.The second pillar of Islam is "Namaz"(Prayer of muslim),Read namaz daily 5 times in a Day.Prayer is mandatory for all.

It has been written in the Quran and Hadith that a person who does not offer Namaz(prayers) for 5 times is not a confirmed Muslim.

3.The third pillar of Islam is"Fasting in the month of Ramadan".

Ramdan is 9 months according to the Muslim calendar, in which people fast for 1 month.

4.Give charity(Zakaat dena),To give any Muslim who has 7.5 tola gold or 52.5 tola silver, or more wealth,It is mandatory to give 2.5% of its share to the poor.

Muslim says that he is not a true Muslim who sleeps full and whose neighbor sleeps hungry.

5.HAJJ(Going to mecca-medinah)

After becoming a Muslim, it is mandatory that he perform Haj once in his life.

Those who cannot perform Haj, those who lack wealth, Haj is not mandatory for them.

In today's date,Islam is the best and superpower religion and the fastest growing religion in all over the World.

                                                      AUTHOR:AFROZ SHAYKH

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Monday, July 20, 2020

Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada fought against apartheid.#Nelsonmandelladay

Today is Nelson Mandela International Day, today is the birth of Nelson Mandela. People are celebrating Nelson Mandela's Yaume-e-Baanish with great pomp, but in the midst of all this we are missing a name from the Indians, and that name is Ahmed Muhammad Kathrada!
Ahmed Muhammad Kathrada, born on 21 August 1929, was a companion of Nelson Mandela, the great hero of the fight against apartheid. He was of Indian origin, whose ancestors had gone to Africa from Surat Gujarat. His elders had helped Mahatma Gandhi form the Natal Indian Congress. And with the help of the same organization, Gandhi agitated in Africa.

Here one thing is worth mentioning is that Ahmed Muhammad Kathrada had spent nearly ten years more than 26 years in prison in Nelson's fight against apartheid. But it is said with great regret that Ahmad Muhammad Kathrada, the hero of the fight against apartheid, was not remembered by any leading Indian newspaper on 28 March 2017. Even if it is not Urdu's newspaper!


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Friday, July 17, 2020

How EID-UL-ADHA(Bakr Eid)is celebrated?

The Mausam is called the sacrifice of the animal on the day of the inconsolable, the Qurbani is the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim Alaihissalam, which is also kept in this Ummah, published in the Qur'an that, Read Namaz for your Lord(ALLAH) and offer the sacrifice.
              Para 30, Surah Kausar, Aayat 2

Let's mention an issue first and then make a further statement, just as some people use social media to spread ilme din, some people try to trick and confuse people by spreading the gimmick and sending message full of panic, As there is a message coming in tomorrow that do not call it Bakr Eid but rather say Eidul Azha, then it is good to say Eidul Azha but it is nothing but Jihal to say Eidul Azha, Bakr means cow and this name.In the Qur'an, a whole Surah is present in the name of Surah Bakr, so those people who are doing message to say Bakr Eid na, they should change the name of this Surah to keep something good according to their own, well Saying 'Bakr Eid' is proved by our slavery as Faqihe Millat Mufti Jalal Uddin Ahmed Amjadi Alaihirrahma has given Bakr Eid Tasnif in many places in Anwarul Hadith, now let's take some hadith pak about it.

* Huzoor Sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wasallam (Pbuh)states that in the Qurbani's days, Allah is no more loving than a sacrifice, and the blood of the animal is sacrificed before it falls on the ground, and the udhiyah gets 1 kind for every hair of the animal. 

               Abu Dawood, Book 2, Safah 264 *

So Sahib Nisab, if he does not offer the sacrifice of 5000 rupees and will also pay 1, 1 crore rupees, then it will still be a strict crime, so be sacrificed only if it is not used enough to buy a goat, then you can take part in the big animal, and on which the sacrifice is reasonable It means that there is no money, but there is no money in it, that is, gold is the owner of silver, then in such a case, you will have to sacrifice by selling something or taking loan.

* Huzoor Sallallahu ta'ala alaihi wasallam(Prophet muhammad) asks that those who do not offer sacrifices in spite of their continued presence do not come close to our Idgah.

           Abu Dawood, Book 2, Safah 263 * 

_Those who do not offer the udhiyah despite having the power of the udhiyah, they are not even allowed to come to Idgah, who are not allowed to offer sacrifice, do not get themselves arrested in such a way, if the Sahib is good, then surely you must offer the sacrifice. *

* Nabi Karim Sallallahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wasallam offered the sacrifice of 2 rams who were Khasi *

                  Ibne Maja, Hadith 3122 *

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What Abdullah (Umar) addressing the people on Friday?

Abdullah (b. ‘Umar) reported from his father that while he was addressing the people on Friday (sermon), a person, one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), entered (the mosque). Umar said to him loudly: What is this hour (for attending the prayer)? He said: I was busy today and I did not return to my house when I heard the call (to Friday prayer), and I did no more but performed ablution only. Upon this Umar said: just ablution ! You know that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanded (us) to take a bath (on Friday)
       Sahih Muslim Book 04, Hadith 1836.

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