Monday, August 10, 2020

How Muhammad(S.A.W)treated non-muslims after the Battle of Badr?

A Sahih hadith of Sahih al-Bukhari:
               The beloved of Allah(S.w.T) addressed non-muslims,after the battle of Badr. Our beloved muhammad(S.W.T).He was addressed dead people.

The beloved of Allah muhammad sallallahu tala alaihi wasallam(PBUH) is addressing who?

Dead people!After the battle of Badr.Rasoolullah salallahi wasallam said 
Sayyiduna Umar R.A was present there .......

This is hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.....As I said......

Is it possible to communicate with those who have passed away?We will prove that it is possible.We will prove that dead people can hear us.

Sayyiduna Umar e farooq R.A made it easy for us.He clarified the issue more.Sayyiduna Umar R.A said "Yaa Rasoolullah(S.W.T),you are addressing dead bodies,you are addressing dead peoples who have no ruh in them.

He asked Rasoolullah(The beloved of ALLAH muhammad)
"You are talking to people who have passed away?"And they were kuffar,they were non-muslims.

Rasoolullah(S.A.W) said:

Sahih al-bukhari! The beloved of Allah said 

"By that Lord in whose hand is the life of muhammad.....
By Allah,O Umar,they can hear me more than you."

Those dead people can hear Rasoolullah(S.A.W)

This is in sahih al-bukhari....

What is death?

The seperation of the ruh from the body.The ruh doesn't die.The ruh leaves the body,but the ruh in a cage in this body.

When the Ruh is restricted in the body.The sight and the vision of the Ruh is limited.But when the ruh leaves the body its vision increases.
The hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.......

The beloved of Allah(S.A.W.) said "when a person in his graves he looks up...."

What happens "A door from paradise opens."His sight increases to such an extent that he can see through the seven heavens and he can see paradise and he can see hell.When the Ruh leaves the body the sight increases,the ability of hearing increases.This is why Rasoolullah(S.A.W.) has taught us from the adab of going to the graveyard.When you go to the graveyard.

What do you say?

"Assalamualaikum ya ahlal kubur".

You address dead people and they give you a response.If the non-muslims can hear us then why can't khwaja-e-khawajgan hear us?

Why can't Ghous-e-Azaam hear us?

Then what happens?We seek help from them.How do we seek help from them?

We ask them to pray for us.We ask them to do dua for us.And they do duaa for us.
We don't believe they are independent in helping us.

We believe they depend upon Allah in order for them to help us..

 BATTLE OF BADR IS MENTION IN THESE SURAH                                                    
 Surah 3:Al-Imran
Surah 8:Al-Anfal
Surah 22:Hajj

                                                                Written by:Afroz shaykh
                                                                Speaker:Pir Saaqib Iqbal

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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Why "PORK" is Haraam in Islam?

Several  food comapnies are offered halal processed foods and products,including halal like spring rolls,chicken nuggets,pizza,burger etc..
 Halal ready meals are growing consumer markets for muslims in britain and america.


The words halal and haram used in Quran to designate the categories of lawful or allowed and unlawful or forbidden.

The most common examples of haram(non-halal) food is "pork".

The quran forbids it in Surah 2:173 and 16:115.


Monday, June 29, 2020

What is written in the Quran about Morality?

Morality in Islam pledge the virtue, good character and the body of moral qualities and virtues prescribed in Islamic religious texts. 

The principle and fundamental purpose of Islamic is morality is love❤:love for God and love for god's creatures. 
About morality in Quran. 

Verily, the Satan is for man an open enemy." (Quran 17:53) “A kind word with forgiveness is better than charity followed by injury. Allah is Free of All Wants and Most tolerate." (Quran 2:263) "And argue not with the People of the Book unless it be in a better manner than that." (Quran 29:46)

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