… .. BACK TO GOOD PATH: India targets to launch first covid-19 vaccines by 15 August.

Friday, July 3, 2020

India targets to launch first covid-19 vaccines by 15 August.

In a major development,the Indian council of Medical Research (ICMR)has announced it's plan to launch a COVID-19 vaccine for public by 15 August.

ICMR has partnered with 12 institutes for human trials of COVAXIN
These studies typically involve hundreds to thousands of volunteers and are conducted over several months, but given the current health emergency, ICMR is moving to expedite the trial process.
The COVAXIN shot has been created from an inactivated strain of the novel coronavirus

When injected, the vaccine does not affect the subject but primes its body to generate an immune response in the form of neutralizing antibodies that can automatically fight off the virus.
Great, it will be a great celebration day of our independence when we’ll get another independence from COVID-19.

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