… .. BACK TO GOOD PATH: August 2020

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Afghanistan flash floods kill 180 people.

 Firstly I will make dua for my all muslim brothers and sisters,that Allah save our people from Hunger,from the plots of our enemies,from devastation,floods and from you wrath...

Ameen......Summa Ameeen....

Today In Afghanistan flash floods kill 180 people.The homes are buried and hundreds of people are missing.

A group of Afghan students have launched this campaign to help the victims of the recent floods in Parwan province,Afghanistan.

I'm delighted to become a member of this organisation.

Afghanistan flash floods kill 180,search for missing continues.

Mostly in the country's affected by the floods following days of torrential rain.

NATO and Afghan security forces provide relief to flood victims in Afghanistan.


Ethnic cleanising of Rohingya Muslim.

It's been 3 years this month since Myanmar army launched a ruthless crackdown on Rohingya Muslims.

The crackdown no more they killed our 24,000 Rohingya

 muslims brothers and sisters,18,000 women and girls were raped.

36,000 Thrown into Fire,116,000 were beaten and 70,000+ will be forced by them to flee abroad.



Most Powerful Aayat Of Quran.

Ayatul kursi is most powerful surah in the Quran.

           Allahu laa ilaha illa Huwa, Al-Haiyyul-Qaiyyum La ta’khudhuhu sinat un wa la nawam, lahu ma fis-samawaati wa ma fil-‘ard Man jhal-lajhi yashfahu ‘indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya’lamu ma baina aidiheem wa ma khalfahum, wa la yuhi tuna bi shai’im-min ‘ilmihi illa bima sha’a Wasia’a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard, wa la ya’uduhu hifdhuhuma Wa Huwwal ‘Alaiyul-Ajeem.

Can we read the Ayatul kursi While namaz

Yes you can,Ayatul kursi is a part of revelation in Quraan sharif and therefore it is able to be pronounce or recite during salaah......
Yes the verse is verse you can read it.
There's nothing wrong with that.

Meaning of Ayatul kursi

The ayatul kursi means the verse of the seat.

Allah therefore he uses the term 'kursi' meaning chair or seat as it represents his power base from where he rule all creation.

Ayatul kursi is powerful for

It is regarded as the most powerful aayat in the Quran sharif because when it is describe ,the greatness of Allah is believed to be confirmed.

The person who recites his aayat both morning and evening will be under the protection of Allah from the evils of the jinns.

It is also known as the adhkar.

Where the Ayatul kursi in Quran

Ayatul kursi is in the Surah-al-Baqarah the second surah of Quran sharif.

It is 255th number verse of the surah-al-baqarah which is defined as how nobody and nothing to be comparable to Allah tabarak wa talah.

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Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Treaty of Lausanne 1923.

Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatahu friends today in this blog i will tell you about the conspiracy theory behind the treaty of lausanne,the conspiracy theory about turkish 100 years contract.  

For understand the treaty of lausanne we have go to our past,we have go back to 1923.In 1923 the ottoman empire that ruled over three continents after its end.

The treaty of lausanne ended the war and defined the limit of the modern turkish republic.

After the first world war the ottoman empire became a weak a lot of countries,they started too rebel against ottoman empire,the most important was "HIZAZ" now today known as Saudi Arabia.

The first of all a man came here conjoined with arab people and who was later called lawrence of arab,the name of that person was "MR.HAMPER"(THE BRITISH SPY)that man started to brainwash the arabs,but hamper was not entertained after this.Saud family  was given a hope by europe and other western countries to rule in this region and rebel against ottomans. 

Now in 2020 the president of turkey Recepp tayyib erdogan the supporter of muslims done it that The Ayasofia, which was already a mosque, was converted into a museum, but the Recepp tayyib erdogan made it a mosque again.

After all chora mosque is now a mosque.

Now in 2023 the treaty will have come to end and turkey will regain itself and develop itself.

Ertugrul gazi the father of Osman gazi you can watch dirillis ertugrul on trt by ptv channel,you can watch this web-series on youtube,after watching this the muslim will again started from ertugrul to wake up and they keeping trust on Allah tabarakwa talah by the continued endeavour and patience they founded the ottoman empire.We can think by our minds  by our wisdom, that why are they adversary an ideology that brings muslims again towards unity that is bringing outspread muslims under one flag now think by yourself , that from where such people who are opposing, get spur because to stop this , western world will use all what they can to brainwash your youth.

What did India do to save the Ottoman empire? 

You know we will learn in our previous history book about Khilafat movement.

The meaning of khilafat is the chief spiritual authority of Islam.

The khilafat movement started in 1919 it was an campaign by Indian muslims associated with Indian nationalism in the years following

world war 1.

Its is purpose to pressure the British government for protect or preserve the implied of the Ottoman empire(saltanat-e-usmania)as caliph(khalifa)of Islam.

The khilafat movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi and founded by ali brothers.I meant that the relationship between Muslims and Hindus should remain in India by khilafat movement because more than muslims the hindus are protest through khilafat movement.

Khilafat movement was started in 1919 by shaukat ali and muhammad ali and by abul kalam azad.

                                                                  Author:Afroz shaykh


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Erdogan says Turkey has made the biggest natural gas discovery in the country's history

#Alhamdulillah_Turkey dated in #Black_Sea has discovered the biggest Finally Erdogan narrated the good news to the Muslims- Turkey gets new gift, 
Saudi prepares to overtake.

# Turkish President Rajab Tayyab Erdogan said on Friday that today Turkey has discovered its largest natural gas field in the Black Sea with 320 billion cubic meters, making the area more likely to be discovered.
He said Now I want to share my good news with you Turkey has realized the biggest natural gas of its history in the Black Sea. He said that Turkey aims to use in 2023 and become a net energy exporter.

# Erdogan  ahead said that if confirmed as recoverable resources, reserves could reduce a country's dependence on costly energy imports and reduce financial market shocks. The Turkish drilling ship, Fatih, had been carrying out exploration operations in the Tuna 1 region in the western Black Sea for the past one month The sector is near where Romania has also found gas reserves. 


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Friday, August 21, 2020

Happy Islamic Hijri New Year 1442 wishes.Share your love,quotes and these messages.#happyislamicnewyear

This year,Muslims across the globe observe their new year day of the first day of the month of the Muharram.On this precious and pious day send greetings to your friends,family and relatives.This year is very important for us beacause there will be something new to learn in the Islamic new hijri year 1442.

Aap ko naya saal hijri mubarak ho......

Happy Hijri to you all from my heart on this beautiful year..

May allah keep you and your family happy,say amen....

May allah protect you,say amen.....

May allah help you, say amen.....

May Allah bless you as a prayer,say ameen.....

May Allah ask you to keep fast,say ameen...

May Allah bless you with faith,say ameen.....

May the flag of Islam always touch the sky,say ameen...

May Allah bless you with a sense of security,say ameen....

May allah bless you with heaven(jannat),say ameen...

                                                              Greeting from:Afroz shaykh

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Monday, August 10, 2020

How Muhammad(S.A.W)treated non-muslims after the Battle of Badr?

A Sahih hadith of Sahih al-Bukhari:
               The beloved of Allah(S.w.T) addressed non-muslims,after the battle of Badr. Our beloved muhammad(S.W.T).He was addressed dead people.

The beloved of Allah muhammad sallallahu tala alaihi wasallam(PBUH) is addressing who?

Dead people!After the battle of Badr.Rasoolullah salallahi wasallam said 
Sayyiduna Umar R.A was present there .......

This is hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.....As I said......

Is it possible to communicate with those who have passed away?We will prove that it is possible.We will prove that dead people can hear us.

Sayyiduna Umar e farooq R.A made it easy for us.He clarified the issue more.Sayyiduna Umar R.A said "Yaa Rasoolullah(S.W.T),you are addressing dead bodies,you are addressing dead peoples who have no ruh in them.

He asked Rasoolullah(The beloved of ALLAH muhammad)
"You are talking to people who have passed away?"And they were kuffar,they were non-muslims.

Rasoolullah(S.A.W) said:

Sahih al-bukhari! The beloved of Allah said 

"By that Lord in whose hand is the life of muhammad.....
By Allah,O Umar,they can hear me more than you."

Those dead people can hear Rasoolullah(S.A.W)

This is in sahih al-bukhari....

What is death?

The seperation of the ruh from the body.The ruh doesn't die.The ruh leaves the body,but the ruh in a cage in this body.

When the Ruh is restricted in the body.The sight and the vision of the Ruh is limited.But when the ruh leaves the body its vision increases.
The hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari.......

The beloved of Allah(S.A.W.) said "when a person in his graves he looks up...."

What happens "A door from paradise opens."His sight increases to such an extent that he can see through the seven heavens and he can see paradise and he can see hell.When the Ruh leaves the body the sight increases,the ability of hearing increases.This is why Rasoolullah(S.A.W.) has taught us from the adab of going to the graveyard.When you go to the graveyard.

What do you say?

"Assalamualaikum ya ahlal kubur".

You address dead people and they give you a response.If the non-muslims can hear us then why can't khwaja-e-khawajgan hear us?

Why can't Ghous-e-Azaam hear us?

Then what happens?We seek help from them.How do we seek help from them?

We ask them to pray for us.We ask them to do dua for us.And they do duaa for us.
We don't believe they are independent in helping us.

We believe they depend upon Allah in order for them to help us..

 BATTLE OF BADR IS MENTION IN THESE SURAH                                                    
 Surah 3:Al-Imran
Surah 8:Al-Anfal
Surah 22:Hajj

                                                                Written by:Afroz shaykh
                                                                Speaker:Pir Saaqib Iqbal

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